Ak by mal niekto záujem, máme na sklade nejaké tričká, viď dole. V prípade väčšieho záujmu, by sa dala dorobiť dotlač aj tričiek aj mikín. Mikiny na sklade nie sú, na fotkách môžete vidieť ako vyzerajú.
If anyone is interested, we have some shirts at the store, see below. In the case of greater interest, we can make prints for both t-shirts and hoodies. Hoodies are not in stock, you can see the pictures as they look.
Čierne tričko s bielym logom Necrosphere vpredu a so sivým znakom Necronomiconu vzadu. Veľkosť L, cena 15 eur za kus.
Black T-shirt with Necrosphere logo on the front and gray Necronomicon sign at the back. Size L, price 15 euros per piece.
Biele tričko s modro žltým logom Necrosphere vpredu a so sivým znakom Necronomiconu vzadu. Veľkosť L, cena 15 eur za kus.
White T-shirt with a blue yellow Necrosphere logo on the front and a gray Necronomicon sign at the back. Size L, price 15 euros per piece.
Čierna mikina / hoodies s bielym logom Necrosphere vpredu a sivým znakom Necronomiconu vzadu. Vpredu vrecká, plus kapuca. Nie je na sklade, v prípade väčšieho záujmu možnosť dotlačiť. Cena 34 eur za kus.
Black hoodie with white Necrosphere logo on the front and gray Necronomicon sign at the back. Pockets in front, plus hood. Not in stock, in case of greater interest, we can make print. Price 34 euros per piece.
Objednávky na: necrosphere6@gmail.com
Orders at: necrosphere6@gmail.com
Druhé číslo vyšlo 21. decembra 2017 a obsahuje rozhovory Necromante (BRA), Narchost (CZ), Entrench (SWE), Blood Incantation (USA), Morast (GER), Rites of Daath (POL) a Vigilance (SLO). Ešte jedna podstatná informácia, cena za kus je 1,20 euro plus poštovné. Písať môžte na náš facebook, alebo na mail: necrosphere6@gmail.com
Second issue was released December 21. 2017 featuring interviews with Necromante (BRA), Narchost (CZ), Entrench (SWE), Blood Incantation (USA), Morast (GER), Rites of Daath (POL) and Vigilance (SLO). Still one essential thing, price of fanzine is 1,20 euros plus shipping. You can contact us on our facebook page or through email:
31. októbra 2017 sme vydali naše prvé tlačené číslo. Samozrejme zostávame aj na webe. Pripravili sme doň rozhovory s kapelami ako Avenger (CZ), Necroheresy (SK), Malokarpatan (SK), Arallu (ISR), Krolok (SK) a Bewitcher (USA), ďalej recenzie a ďalšie rubriky. 40 strán v jednoduchom č/b prevedení s primitívnou old school grafikou, zošit je striktne limitovaný, všetko robíme doma na kolene, teda žiadne stovky kusov. Písať môžte na náš facebook, alebo na mail: necrosphere6@gmail.com
We have released our first printed issue on October 31, 2017. Of course we will continue as webzine as well. There are interviews with bands as Avenger (CZ), Necroheresy (SK), Malokarpatan (SK), Arallu (ISR), Krolok (SK) and Bewitcher (USA), some reviews and another sections. 40 pages in simple b/w design with primitive old school graphic. Fanzine is strictly limited, all is hand made, so there will not be hundreds of pieces. You can contact us on our facebook page or through email:
Tretie číslo vyšlo 19. februára 2018 a obsahuje raritný rozhovor s Apoplexy (SK), ďalej Hetroertzen (CHL), Archaic Tomb (POR), Persecutory (TUR), Lihhamon (GER), Hexagon (SWE), 777 Babalon (SK), Uttertomb (CHL) a Radiaton (SK). Cena za kus je 1,20 euro plus poštovné. Písať môžte na náš facebook, alebo na mail: necrosphere6@gmail.com
Third issue was released February 19, 2018 featuring rare interview with Apoplexy (SK), next Hetroertzen (CHL), Archaic Tomb (POR), Persecutory (TUR), Lihhamon (GER), Hexagon (SWE), 777 Babalon (SK), Uttertomb (CHL) and Radiaton (SK). Price of fanzine is 1,20 euros plus shipping. You can contact us on our facebook page or through email:
Štvrté číslo vyšlo 2. júna 2018 s takými rozhovormi ako Krossfyre (ESP), Vassafor (NZL), Pyreficativm (CHL), Algor (SK), Demonomancy (ITA), Sardonic Witchery (PRT), Necrodeath (ITA), Sepulchral Rites (CHL) a Cruciamentum (UK). Cena za kus je 1,20 euro plus poštovné.
Fourth issue was released June 2, 2018 featuring interviews with Krossfyre (ESP), Vassafor (NZL), Pyreficativm (CHL), Algor (SK), Demonomancy (ITA), Sardonic Witchery (PRT), Necrodeath (ITA), Sepulchral Rites (CHL) and Cruciamentum (UK). Price of fanzine is 1,20 euros plus shipping.
Piate špeciálne číslo vyšlo 23. augusta 2018 a obsahuje rozhovory len s domácimi kapelami ako Reanimator (SK), Sekhmet (CZ), Kaar (CZ), Old Hammer (SK), Gotterdammerung (CZ), Inferno (CZ), 0N0 (SK), Hellocaustor (CZ), Tyranizer (CZ), Imperium (SK), Silva Nigra (CZ), Naurrakar (CZ) a Asgard (CZ). Cena za kus je 1,20 euro plus poštovné. Písať môžte na náš facebook, alebo na mail: necrosphere6@gmail.com
Third special issue was released August 23, 2018 featuring interviews only with domestic bands as Reanimator (SK), Sekhmet (CZ), Kaar (CZ), Old Hammer (SK), Gotterdammerung (CZ), Inferno (CZ), 0N0 (SK), Hellocaustor (CZ), Tyranizer (CZ), Imperium (SK), Silva Nigra (CZ), Naurrakar (CZ) and Asgard (CZ). Price of fanzine is 1,20 euros plus shipping. You can contact us on our facebook page or through email:
Čiernobiele nášivky s dĺžkou každej strany 15 cm. Cena za kus je 10 eur plus poštovné 0,65 (SK) a 1,30 (CZ). Písať môžte na náš facebook, alebo na mail: necrosphere6@gmail.com
Black-white patches with a length of 15 cm each side. One piece price is 10 euros plus shipping 0.65 (SK) and 1.30 (CZ).. You can contact us on our facebook page or through email:
Pridávame do nášho mini shopu stredne velké odznaky, cena za kus 80 centov. ( Necrosphere, Necronomicon, Sumerian )
We have added to our mini shop mid size pins with price 0,80 euro / piece (Necrosphere logo, Necronomicon sign and Sumerial sign)
Šieste číslo vyšlo 31. októbra 2019 a obsahuje rozhovory s takými menami ako Chevalier (Fin), Ur (Col), Hadopelagyal (Ger), Omegavortex (Ger), Zvijer (BiH), Autokrator (Fra), Barshasketh (NZ), Temple Desecration (Pol), Burial Hordes (Grc) a Grave Miasma (UK).. Cena za kus je 1,20 euro plus poštovné. Písať môžte na náš facebook, alebo na mail: necrosphere6@gmail.com
Sixth issue was released October 31, 2019 featuring interview with such names asChevalier (Fin), Ur (Col), Hadopelagyal (Ger), Omegavortex (Ger), Zvijer (BiH), Autokrator (Fra), Barshasketh (NZ), Temple Desecration (Pol), Burial Hordes (Grc) and Grave Miasma (UK).. Price of fanzine is 1,20 euros plus shipping. You can contact us on our facebook page or through email:
Siedme číslo vyšlo 11. februára 2019 a obsahuje rozhovory Vacivus (UK), Traveler (CAN), Ayyur (TUN), Invocation (CHL), 13th Temple (CHL), Grimoire de Occulte (GER), Concilivm (CHL), Corpsessed (FIN) a Depths Above (CZ). Cena za kus je 1,20 euro plus poštovné. Písať môžte na náš facebook, alebo na mail: necrosphere6@gmail.com
Seventh issue was released February 11. 2019 featuring interviews with Vacivus (UK), Traveler (CAN), Ayyur (TUN), Invocation (CHL), 13th Temple (CHL), Grimoire de Occulte (GER), Concilivm (CHL), Corpsessed (FIN) and Depths Above (CZ). Price of fanzine is 1,20 euros plus shipping. You can contact us on our facebook page or through email:
Ôsme číslo vyšlo 9. mája 2019 a obsahuje rozhovory Commando (SWE), Häxenzijrkell (GER), Precaria (MEX), Devathorn (GRC), Witching Hour (GER), Hexenbrett (GER), Endezzma (NOR), Lantern (FIN), Funereal Presence (USA) a Ceremony of Silence (SK). Cena za kus je 1,20 euro plus poštovné. Písať môžte na náš facebook, alebo na mail: necrosphere6@gmail.com
Eighth issue was released May 9, 2019 featuring interviews with Commando (SWE), Häxenzijrkell (GER), Precaria (MEX), Devathorn (GRC), Witching Hour (GER), Hexenbrett (GER), Endezzma (NOR), Lantern (FIN), Funereal Presence (USA) and Ceremony of Silence (SK). Price of fanzine is 1,20 euros plus shipping. You can contact us on our facebook page or through email:
Deviate číslo vyšlo 4. septembra 2019 a obsahuje rozhovory Malakhim ( Swe ), Shezmu ( Can ), Nocturnus AD ( Usa ), Siculicidium ( Ro ), Old Coven ( Usa ), Witchcult ( Den ), Black Viper ( Nor ), Valaraukar ( UK ), Djevelkult ( Nor ) a Vircolac ( Ire ). Cena za kus je 1,20 euro plus poštovné. Písať môžte na náš facebook, alebo na mail: necrosphere6@gmail.com
Ninth issue was released September 4. 2019 featuring interviews with Malakhim ( Swe ), Shezmu ( Can ), Nocturnus AD ( Usa ), Siculicidium ( Ro ), Old Coven ( Usa ), Witchcult ( Den ), Black Viper ( Nor ), Valaraukar ( UK ), Djevelkult ( Nor ) and Vircolac ( Ire ). Price of fanzine is 1,20 euros plus shipping. You can contact us on our facebook page or through email: necrosphere6@gmail.com
Desiate číslo vyšlo 4. októbra 2019 a obsahuje rozhovory Machina Baphometa (Sk), Černý Kov (Sk-Cz), Kostnatění (Cz-Usa), Igne Natura Renovatur Integra (Sk), Devil´s Poison (Sk), Merged In Abyss (Sk), Toxic Trash (Sk), Bloody Lair (Cz), Aeon Winds (Sk), Tortura (Cz), Chernaa (Cz). Cena za kus je 1,20 euro plus poštovné. Písať môžte na náš facebook, alebo na mail: necrosphere6@gmail.com
Tenth issue was released October 4, 2019 featuring interviews with Machina Baphometa (Sk), Černý Kov (Sk-Cz), Kostnatění (Cz-Usa), Igne Natura Renovatur Integra (Sk), Devil´s Poison (Sk), Merged In Abyss (Sk), Toxic Trash (Sk), Bloody Lair (Cz), Aeon Winds (Sk), Tortura (Cz), Chernaa (Cz). Price of fanzine is 1,20 euros plus shipping. You can contact us on our facebook page or through email:
Jedenáste číslo vyšlo 30. decembra 2019 s rozhovormi Cultum Interitum (Pol), Ultra Silvam (Swe), Kaosophia (Ukr), Necromancer (Ger), Sammath (Ned), LvxCaelis (Chl), Death Invoker (Peru), Malhkebre (Fra) a Ignivomous (Aus). Cena za kus je 1,20 euro plus poštovné. Písať môžte na náš facebook, alebo na mail: necrosphere6@gmail.com
Eleventh issue was released December 30. 2019 featuring interviews with Cultum Interitum (Pol), Ultra Silvam (Swe), Kaosophia (Ukr), Necromancer (Ger), Sammath (Ned), LvxCaelis (Chl), Death Invoker (Peru), Malhkebre (Fra) and Ignivomous (Aus). Price of fanzine is 1,20 euros plus shipping. You can contact us on our facebook page or through email: necrosphere6@gmail.com
Dvanáste číslo vyšlo 12. marca 2020 s rozhovormi Demon Bitch ( Usa ), Djevel ( Nor ), Excessum ( Swe ), Dead Moon Temple ( Chl ), Baxaxaxa ( Ger ), Narvik ( Ger ), Morbus Sacer ( Aus ), Krypta Nicestwa ( Pol ) a Hexekration Rites ( Fra ). Cena za kus je 1,20 euro plus poštovné. Písať môžte na náš facebook, alebo na mail: necrosphere6@gmail.com
Twelfth issue was released March 12. 2020 featuring interviews with Demon Bitch ( Usa ), Djevel ( Nor ), Excessum ( Swe ), Dead Moon Temple ( Chl ), Baxaxaxa ( Ger ), Narvik ( Ger ), Morbus Sacer ( Aus ), Krypta Nicestwa ( Pol ) and Hexekration Rites ( Fra ). Price of fanzine is 1,20 euros plus shipping. You can contact us on our facebook page or through email: necrosphere6@gmail.com
Trináste číslo vyšlo 12. júna 2020 s rozhovormi Abhorrot ( Aut ), Occultum ( Pol ), Perdition Temple ( Usa ), Spectrum Mortis ( Esp ), Abhomine ( Usa ), Serpens Luminis ( Swi ), Impure Declaration ( Pol ), Putrid ( Peru ) a Necroracle ( Esp ). Cena za kus je 1,20 euro plus poštovné. Písať môžte na náš facebook, alebo na mail: necrosphere6@gmail.com
Thirteenth issue was released June 12. 2020 featuring interviews with Abhorrot ( Aut ), Occultum ( Pol ), Perdition Temple ( Usa ), Spectrum Mortis ( Esp ), Abhomine ( Usa ), Serpens Luminis ( Swi ), Impure Declaration ( Pol ), Putrid ( Peru ) and Necroracle ( Esp ). Price of fanzine is 1,20 euros plus shipping. You can contact us on our facebook page or through email: necrosphere6@gmail.com
Štrnáste číslo vyšlo 29. augusta 2020 s rozhovormi Illuminated Darkness ( CZ ), Ain ( SK ), Solipsism ( SK ), Somniate ( CZ ), Rawcvlt ( SK ), Sekeromlat ( CZ ), Master´s Hammer ( CZ ), Zhor ( SK ), Chlad ( CZ ), Mörkhimmel ( CZ ) a Porenut ( SK ). Cena za kus je 1,30 euro plus poštovné. Písať môžte na náš facebook, alebo na mail: necrosphere6@gmail.com
Fourteenth issue was released August 29. 2020 featuring interviews with Illuminated Darkness ( CZ ), Ain ( SK ), Solipsism ( SK ), Somniate ( CZ ), Rawcvlt ( SK ), Sekeromlat ( CZ ), Master´s Hammer ( CZ ), Zhor ( SK ), Chlad ( CZ ), Mörkhimmel ( CZ ) and Porenut ( SK ). Price of fanzine is 1,30 euros plus shipping. You can contact us on our facebook page or through email: necrosphere6@gmail.com
Pätnáste číslo vyšlo 31. októbra 2020 s rozhovormi Devouring Serpent ( Usa ), Irkallian Oracle ( Swe ), Infer ( Svk ), Walpurgia ( Gre ), Hecatomb ( Aus ), Aethyrick ( Fin ), Cemetery Lights ( Usa ), Sijjin ( Ger ) a Dysangelium ( Ger ). Cena za kus je 1,20 euro plus poštovné. Písať môžte na náš facebook, alebo na mail: necrosphere6@gmail.com
Fifteenth issue was released October 31. 2020 featuring interviews with Devouring Serpent ( Usa ), Irkallian Oracle ( Swe ), Infer ( Svk ), Walpurgia ( Gre ), Hecatomb ( Aus ), Aethyrick ( Fin ), Cemetery Lights ( Usa ), Sijjin ( Ger ) and Dysangelium ( Ger ). Price of fanzine is 1,20 euros plus shipping. You can contact us on our facebook page or through email: necrosphere6@gmail.com
Šestnáste číslo vyšlo 21. decembra 2020 s rozhovormi Wolflust (Black / Thrash, Bra), Ritual Moon (Black / Thrash, Usa), Kly (Psychedelic Black Metal, Pol), Imha Tarikat (Black Metal, Ger), Necrowretch (Death / Black, Fra), Crucifier (Black / Death, Usa) a Transilvania (Black Metal, Aut). Cena za kus je 1,20 euro plus poštovné. Písať môžte na náš facebook, alebo na mail: necrosphere6@gmail.com
Sixteenth issue was released December 21. 2020 featuring interviews with Wolflust (Black / Thrash, Bra), Ritual Moon (Black / Thrash, Usa), Kly (Psychedelic Black Metal, Pol), Imha Tarikat (Black Metal, Ger), Necrowretch (Death / Black, Fra), Crucifier (Black / Death, Usa) and Transilvania (Black Metal, Aut). Price of fanzine is 1,20 euros plus shipping. You can contact us on our facebook page or through email: necrosphere6@gmail.com
Sedemnáste číslo vyšlo 7. apríla 2021 s rozhovormi Hexenfluch ( Ger ), Rok & Sadistik Exekution ( Aus ), Upon The Altar ( Pol ), Hexorcist ( Usa ), Vel´Har ( Chl / Ger ), Selbst ( Chl ), Grave Gnosis ( Usa ), Morbid Winds ( Pol ) a Hexerei ( Chl ). Cena za kus je 1,20 euro plus poštovné. Písať môžte na náš facebook, alebo na mail: necrosphere6@gmail.com
Seventeenth issue was released April 7th 2021 featuring interviews with Hexenfluch ( Ger ), Rok & Sadistik Exekution ( Aus ), Upon The Altar ( Pol ), Hexorcist ( Usa ), Vel´Har ( Chl / Ger ), Selbst ( Chl ), Grave Gnosis ( Usa ), Morbid Winds ( Pol ) and Hexerei ( Chl ). Price of fanzine is 1,20 euros plus shipping. You can contact us on our facebook page or through email: necrosphere6@gmail.com
Osemnáste číslo vyšlo 15. júla 2021 s rozhovormi Sorcier Des Glaces ( Can ), Churchacide ( Usa ), Reaper ( Swe ), Antiquary ( Esp ), Mysteria Mystica Aeterna ( Ger ), Occult Burial ( Can ), Nezhivoy ( Rus ) a Ifrinn ( Sco ). Cena za kus je 1,20 euro plus poštovné. Písať môžte na náš facebook, alebo na mail: necrosphere6@gmail.com
Eighteenth issue was released July 15th 2021 featuring interviews with Sorcier Des Glaces ( Can ), Churchacide ( Usa ), Reaper ( Swe ), Antiquary ( Esp ), Mysteria Mystica Aeterna ( Ger ), Occult Burial ( Can ), Nezhivoy ( Rus ) and Ifrinn ( Sco ). Price of fanzine is 1,20 euros plus shipping. You can contact us on our facebook page or through email: necrosphere6@gmail.com
Devätnáste číslo vyšlo 18. septembra 2021 s rozhovormi Zmarchrob ( Cz ), Můra ( Cz ), Cresset ( Sk ), Xul ( Cz ), Klifot ( Sk ), Dominion of Suffering ( Sk – Int. ), Spectral Corruption ( Sk ), Zmyrna ( Sk – Cz ), Voluptas ( Cz ) a The Book ( Cz ). Cena za kus je 1,20 euro plus poštovné. Písať môžte na náš facebook, alebo na mail: necrosphere6@gmail.com
Nineteenth issue was released September 18th 2021 featuring interviews with Zmarchrob ( Cz ), Můra ( Cz ), Cresset ( Sk ), Xul ( Cz ), Klifot ( Sk ), Dominion of Suffering ( Sk – Int. ), Spectral Corruption ( Sk ), Zmyrna ( Sk – Cz ), Voluptas ( Cz ) and The Book ( Cz ). Price of fanzine is 1,20 euros plus shipping. You can contact us on our facebook page or through email: necrosphere6@gmail.com
Dvadsiate číslo vyšlo 4. decembra 2021 s rozhovormi Caligula (Pry), Nunslaughter (Usa), Deceased (Usa), Prehistoric War Cult (Ger), Venefices (Pol), Vulcano (Bra), Power From Hell (Bra), Antediluvian (Can) a Balmog (Esp). Cena za kus je 1,20 euro plus poštovné. Písať môžte na náš facebook, alebo na mail: necrosphere6@gmail.com
Twentieth issue was released December 4th 2021 featuring interviews with Caligula (Pry), Nunslaughter (Usa), Deceased (Usa), Prehistoric War Cult (Ger), Venefices (Pol), Vulcano (Bra), Power From Hell (Bra), Antediluvian (Can) and Balmog (Esp). Price of fanzine is 1,20 euros plus shipping. You can contact us on our facebook page or through email: necrosphere6@gmail.com
Dvadsiateprvé číslo vyšlo 19. mája 2021 s rozhovormi Theurgia ( Ven / Col ), Beyond Man ( Nor ), Pestis Cultus ( Aus ), Vincent Crowley ( Usa ), Kamra ( Slo ), Sacris Ritus Vermes ( Ger ), Heinous ( Bel ), NecrosHorns ( Swe ), Mosaic ( Ger ), Krolok ( Sk ) a Theurgia ( Chl ). Cena za kus je 1,50 euro plus poštovné. Písať môžte na náš facebook, alebo na mail: necrosphere6@gmail.com
Twenty first issue was released May 19th 2021 featuring interviews with Theurgia ( Ven / Col ), Beyond Man ( Nor ), Pestis Cultus ( Aus ), Vincent Crowley ( Usa ), Kamra ( Slo ), Sacris Ritus Vermes ( Ger ), Heinous ( Bel ), NecrosHorns ( Swe ), Mosaic ( Ger ), Krolok ( Sk ) and Theurgia ( Chl ) Price of fanzine is 1,50 euros plus shipping. You can contact us on our facebook page or through email: necrosphere6@gmail.com
Dvadsiatedruhé číslo vyšlo 22. augusta 2022 s rozhovormi Black Altar ( Pol / Uk ), Beyond Death´s Throne ( Esp ), Lunar Chalice ( Ger ), Acherontas ( Gre ), Negative Plane ( Usa ), Kafirun ( Can ), Hissing ( Usa ) a Abhor ( Ita ). Cena za kus je 1,50 euro plus poštovné. Písať môžte na náš facebook, alebo na mail: necrosphere6@gmail.com
Twenty second issue was released August 22th 2022 featuring interviews with Black Altar ( Pol / Uk ), Beyond Death´s Throne ( Esp ), Lunar Chalice ( Ger ), Acherontas ( Gre ), Negative Plane ( Usa ), Kafirun ( Can ), Hissing ( Usa ) and Abhor ( Ita ). Price of fanzine is 1,50 euro plus postage. You can contact us on our facebook page or through email: necrosphere6@gmail.com
Dvadsiatetretie číslo vyšlo 31. októbra 2022 s rozhovormi Furis Ignis ( Ger ), Tomb Portal ( Hun ), Eggs of Gommorh ( Swi ), Dreven ( Cz ), Embrace of Thorns ( Gre ), Manticore ( Usa ), Zemial ( Gre ) a Oujia ( Esp ). Cena za kus je 1,50 euro plus poštovné. Písať môžte na náš facebook, alebo na mail: necrosphere6@gmail.com
Twentythird issue was released October 31th 2022 featuring interviews with Furis Ignis ( Ger ), Tomb Portal ( Hun ), Eggs of Gommorh ( Swi ), Dreven ( Cz ), Embrace of Thorns ( Gre ), Manticore ( Usa ), Zemial ( Gre ) a Oujia ( Esp ). Price of fanzine is 1,50 euro plus postage. You can contact us on our facebook page or through email: necrosphere6@gmail.com
Dvadsiateštvrté číslo vyšlo 27. decembra 2022 s rozhovormi Diabolic Oath ( Death / Black Metal, Usa ), Qrixkuor ( Occult Death Metal, Uk ), Diablery ( Black Metal, Gre ), Stíny Plamenů ( Black Metal, Cz ), Onslaught Kommand ( Death / Grind / Black Metal, Chile ), Sickness ( Death / Black Metal, Fin ), Drudensang ( Black Metal, Ger ) a Sépulcre ( Death Metal, Fra ). Cena za kus je 1,50 euro plus poštovné. Písať môžte na náš facebook, alebo na mail: necrosphere6@gmail.com
The twenty-fourth issue was released December 27th 2022 featuring interviews with Diabolic Oath ( Death / Black Metal, Usa ), Qrixkuor ( Occult Death Metal, Uk ), Diablery ( Black Metal, Gre ), Stíny Plamenů ( Black Metal, Cz ), Onslaught Kommand ( Death / Grind / Black Metal, Chile ), Sickness ( Death / Black Metal, Fin ), Drudensang ( Black Metal, Ger ) and Sépulcre ( Death Metal, Fra ). Price of fanzine is 1,50 euro plus shipping. You can contact us on our facebook page or through email: necrosphere6@gmail.com
Dvadsiatepiate číslo vyšlo 12. marca 2023 s rozhovormi Digir Gidim ( Black Metal, Ita ), Occult Odyssey ( Dark Ritual / Ambient, Mex ), Ugra Dingir ( Black / Death Metal, Chl ), Lucifericon ( Occult Death Metal, Ned ), Oppress. ( Black Metal, UK ) a Thy Darkened Shade ( Black Metal, Gre ). Cena za kus je 1,50 euro plus poštovné. Písať môžte na náš facebook, alebo na mail: necrosphere6@gmail.com
The twenty-fifth issue was released March 12th 2023 featuring interviews with Digir Gidim ( Black Metal, Ita ), Occult Odyssey ( Dark Ritual / Ambient, Mex ), Ugra Dingir ( Black / Death Metal, Chl ), Lucifericon ( Occult Death Metal, Ned ), Oppress. ( Black Metal, UK ) and Thy Darkened Shade ( Black Metal, Gre ). Price of fanzine is 1,50 euro plus shipping. You can contact us on our facebook page or through email: necrosphere6@gmail.com
Dvadsiatešieste číslo vyšlo 14. mája 2023 s rozhovormi Undirheimar ( Thursian Shamanic Ritual Ambient, Can ), Ritual Death ( Black / Death Metal, Nor ), Blaze of Perdition ( Black Metal, Pol ), Ritualization ( Blackened Death Metal, Fra ), Petrale ( Black Metal, Cro ) a Cursed Excruciation ( Black / Death Metal, Bra ). Cena za kus je 1,50 euro plus poštovné. Písať môžte na náš facebook, alebo na mail: necrosphere6@gmail.com
The twenty-sixth issue was released May 14th 2023 featuring interviews with Undirheimar ( Thursian Shamanic Ritual Ambient, Can ), Ritual Death ( Black / Death Metal, Nor ), Blaze of Perdition ( Black Metal, Pol ), Ritualization ( Blackened Death Metal, Fra ), Petrale ( Black Metal, Cro ) and Cursed Excruciation ( Black / Death Metal, Bra ). Price of fanzine is 1,50 euro plus shipping. You can contact us on our facebook page or through email: necrosphere6@gmail.com
Dvadsiatesiedme číslo vyšlo 12. júla 2023 s rozhovormi The Lovecraft Sextet (Ambient Darkjazz, Ned), Boarhammer (Black Metal, Ger), Ens Imperfectissimum (Dark Ritual Ambient, Mex), Stangarigel (Black Metal, Sk), Vobiscum Inferni (Black Metal, Bra) a Demonized (Black/Death Metal, Mex). Cena za kus je 1,50 euro plus poštovné. Písať môžte na náš facebook, alebo na mail: necrosphere6@gmail.com
The twenty-seventh issue was released July 12th 2023 featuring interviews with The Lovecraft Sextet (Ambient Darkjazz, Ned), Boarhammer (Black Metal, Ger), Ens Imperfectissimum (Dark Ritual Ambient, Mex), Stangarigel (Black Metal, Sk), Vobiscum Inferni (Black Metal, Bra) and Demonized (Black/Death Metal, Mex). Price of fanzine is 1,50 euro plus shipping. You can contact us on our facebook page or through email: necrosphere6@gmail.com
Dvadsiateôsme číslo vyšlo 11. septembra 2023 s rozhovormi Souls's Pyre (Death Metal, Chl), Kexelür (Experimental Black Metal, Chl), The One (Black Metal, Gre), Sublimatio Mortis (Ritual Ambient, Can) a Between Two Castles (Black Metal, Sk). Cena za kus je 1,50 euro plus poštovné. Písať môžte na náš facebook, alebo na mail: necrosphere6@gmail.com
The twenty-righth issue was released September 11th 2023 featuring interviews with Souls's Pyre (Death Metal, Chl), Kexelür (Experimental Black Metal, Chl), The One (Black Metal, Gre), Sublimatio Mortis (Ritual Ambient, Can) and Between Two Castles (Black Metal, Sk). Price of fanzine is 1,50 euro plus shipping. You can contact us on our facebook page or through email: necrosphere6@gmail.com
Dvadsiatedeviate číslo vyšlo 31. októbra 2023 s rozhovormi Drowned ( Death Metal, Ger ), Necromorbid ( Death / Black Metal, Ita ), Irae Satanail ( Black Metal, Col ), Dapalis Sepolcri ( Dark Ambient, Fra ) a Hrob ( Death / Doom Metal , Sk). Cena za kus je 1,50 euro plus poštovné. Písať môžte na náš facebook, alebo na mail: necrosphere6@gmail.com
The twenty-ninth issue was released October 31st 2023 featuring interviews with Drowned ( Death Metal, Ger ), Necromorbid ( Death / Black Metal, Ita ), Irae Satanail ( Black Metal, Col ), Dapalis Sepolcri ( Dark Ambient, Fra ) and Hrob ( Death / Doom Metal , Sk). Price of fanzine is 1,50 euro plus shipping. You can contact us on our facebook page or through email: necrosphere6@gmail.com
Tridsiate číslo vyšlo 22. decembra 2023 s rozhovormi Injuria (Raw Black Metal, Por), Manbryne (Black Metal, Pol), Teufelsberg (Black Metal, Pol), Fall of Gnosis (Occult Death / Sludge Metal, US), Ch´ahom (Black / Death Metal, Ger) and Morghuul (Thrash/Black/Speed Metal, Cz). Cena za kus je 1,50 euro plus poštovné. Písať môžte na náš facebook, alebo na mail: necrosphere6@gmail.com
The thirtieth issue was released December 22nd 2023 featuring interviews with Injuria (Raw Black Metal, Por), Manbryne (Black Metal, Pol), Teufelsberg (Black Metal, Pol), Fall of Gnosis (Occult Death / Sludge Metal, US), Ch´ahom (Black / Death Metal, Ger) and Morghuul (Thrash/Black/Speed Metal, Cz). Price of fanzine is 1,50 euro plus shipping. You can contact us on our facebook page or through email: necrosphere6@gmail.com
Tridsiateprvé číslo vyšlo 2. marca 2024 s rozhovormi Plamen Večnosti (Dark Ambient, Srb), Head of The Demon (Black / Doom, Swe), Wells Valley (Post Black Metal, Por), Varathron (Black Metal, Gre), Goat Semen (Death / Black, Peru) a Vermisst (Black Metal, Pol). Cena za kus je 1,50 euro plus poštovné. Písať môžte na náš facebook, alebo na mail: necrosphere6@gmail.com
The thirty-first issue was released March 2nd 2024 featuring interviews with Plamen Večnosti (Dark Ambient, Srb), Head of The Demon (Black / Doom, Swe), Wells Valley (Post Black Metal, Por), Varathron (Black Metal, Gre), Goat Semen (Death / Black, Peru) and Vermisst (Black Metal, Pol). Price of fanzine is 1,50 euro plus shipping. You can contact us on our facebook page or through email: necrosphere6@gmail.com
Tridsiatedruhé číslo vyšlo 1. júna 2024 s rozhovormi Septuagint ( Black Metal, Gre ), Soph Eon ( Dark, Ritualistic Ambient, Chl ), Mortuus ( Black Metal, Swe ), Spiritu Mors ( Black Metal, Aus ), Lhaäd ( Atmospheric Black Metal, Bel ) a Zmij ( Black Metal, Svk ). Cena za kus je 1,50 euro plus poštovné. Písať môžte na náš facebook, alebo na mail: necrosphere6@gmail.com
The thirty-first issue was released June 1st 2024 featuring interviews with Septuagint ( Black Metal, Gre ), Soph Eon ( Dark, Ritualistic Ambient, Chl ), Mortuus ( Black Metal, Swe ), Spiritu Mors ( Black Metal, Aus ), Lhaäd ( Atmospheric Black Metal, Bel ) and Zmij ( Black Metal, Svk ). Price of fanzine is 1,50 euro plus shipping. You can contact us on our facebook page or through email: necrosphere6@gmail.com
Tridsiatetretie číslo vyšlo 16. augusta 2024 s rozhovormi Heresiarch (Black / Death NZ), Throneum (Black / Death, Pol), Sepvlcrorvm (Death / Doom, Chl), Dean Fraser (Dark Ambient / Drone, USA), Krvna (Black Metal, Aus) a Black Eucharist (Black Metal, USA). Cena za kus je 1,50 euro plus poštovné. Písať môžte na náš facebook, alebo na mail: necrosphere6@gmail.com
The thirty-third issue was published on August 16, 2024, with interviews as Heresiarch (Black / Death New Zealand), Throneum (Black / Death, Poland), Sepvlcrorvm (Death / Doom, Chile), Dean Fraser (Dark Ambient / Drone, USA), Krvna (Black Metal, Australia ) and Black Eucharist (Black Metal, USA). Price of fanzine is 1,50 euro plus shipping. You can contact us on our facebook page or through email: necrosphere6@gmail.com
Tridsiateštvrté číslo vyšlo 21. decembra 2024 s rozhovormi Vortex (Dark / Ritualistic / Ambient, Ger), Athanatos (Black / Death Metal, Chl), Hagatiz (Black Metal, Ger), Nam-Khar (Ambient / Ritual / Dark / Industrial / Drone, Ger), Saatane (Black Metal, Col) a Umbra (Black Metal, Esp). Cena za kus je 1,50 euro plus poštovné. Písať môžte na náš facebook, alebo na mail: necrosphere6@gmail.com
Thirty-fourth issue was published on December 21, 2024, with interviews as Vortex (Dark / Ritualistic / Ambient, Ger), Athanatos (Black / Death Metal, Chl), Hagatiz (Black Metal, Ger), Nam-Khar (Ambient / Ritual / Dark / Industrial / Drone, Ger), Saatane (Black Metal, Col) and Umbra (Black Metal, Esp). Price of fanzine is 1,50 euro plus shipping. You can contact us on our facebook page or through email: necrosphere6@gmail.com